"Samantha" Sammi as she is called most of the time, or "CRY BABY" because she meow's a lot. She stays in the house as she is the oldest, she loves to lay in our lap or in the sun. Born in the floor board of our friends Jeep 12 years ago.
Tigger- Yep - She is a big girl, she showed up years ago as a kitten with a Beebe in her front leg, she is a lover too.

"Maggie" Resident Bird Dog and super huge baby! One that sneaks into bed. Pic on the left is Maggie at 3 mos old.

Kiki - The "Loner" she is a nice kitty but she doesn't really like all the other cats, so she gets picked on once in a while - but she brings it on herself by not being sociable. lol

"Dantzer" Ah he's his mothers son.lol ** Born to Kiki - has an attitude. Very sweet cat that tolerates the others. Likes humans best. lol

This is "Socks" what a lover, she loves to walk under your feet and will always hang around when your working in the garden. Pretty sure she came from a near by farm.

"Annie" Ah she is the quiet one, the really shy one, also had a litter before the "Big Fix" They all looked just like her, funny. We still have one of her son's - Tommy. "Cats To Be Continued".....

"Winston" such a big name for such a little guy. He is a Holland Loop - Smallest of the loop eared bunnies. He's a sweetheart and loves treats.
WOW you do have a Zoo. But they are all so cute.